27. června 2016

Soapmakers of the world: Tatsiana Serko’s Art of SoapMaking (Belarus, USA)

From Belarus with love

 Russian version                                    
Photos from Tatsiana Serko’s personal archive

My friends, today we have a unique opportunity to touch the world of high art, the art of soapmaking of course. You would definitely recognize my guest from the first photos of her soaps because they embody originality, refinement, elegance, the creator's intricacy and at the same time they have incredible lightness and airiness. Let's get acquainted with Tatsiana Serko (Creative Soap by Steso) a little bit closer.

Мыловары мира: Искусство мыловарения Татьяны Серко (Белоруссия, США)

"Из Белоруссии с любовью"

  English version                                   
Фото из архива Татьяны Серко

Друзья, сегодня  у нас с вами есть уникальная возможность прикоснуться к миру высокого искусства. Искусства мыловарения, конечно же. Наверняка, вы узнаете мою сегодняшнюю гостью с первых фотографий ее мыла, ибо они заключают в себе всю неординарность, изысканность, элегантность и замысловатость творца и в тоже время обладают невероятной легкостью и воздушностью. Давайте познакомимся с Татьяной Серко (Creative Soap by Steso) поближе.

18. června 2016

Sculpted Layers - Soap Challenge Club (June 2016 entry)


Hi, everyone,

This is my sixth soap challenge. It was the hardest one so far.

I had a difficult month again full of tooth ache (my daughter), other health problems (my dog) and no sleeping))) I did only one try making soap fulfilling the guidelines and one experimental soap.

First I saw Sculpted Layers technique at Auntie Clara’s blog in her Lace Soap tutorial and liked it very much and wanted to make it someday. 

I don’t like soap made all with this technique (though they are wonderful) because they seem to me too unnatural. Unfortunately I also hate landscape soaps as much as embedded soaps)))) So it was hard for me to got some idea on geometric shapes for the soap..