30. prosince 2016

Мыловары мира: рукотворное совершенство Елены Черенко (Беларусь)

Фото из личного архива Елены Черенко

Дорогие мыловаренные друзья, как и прошлый Рождественский пост Мыловаров мира, этот пост тоже специальный! И вот почему -  в преддверии Нового года хочу поделиться историей очень увлекательного человека, имя которого уже было однажды упомянуто в моем блоге, в самом первом интервью, которое было сделано в рамках сериала Мыловары мира. Упоминала его Татьяна Серко (CreativeSoap by Steso), говоря о своем Учителе. Итак, рукодельница высшей лиги (вышивание любой техникой, вязание (спицы, крючок, машинное), декупаж, рисование на батике, щитье, валяние из шерсти, скрап), искусный и  опытный мыловар, активный, всегда жизнерадостный и оптимистичный человек, парашютистка и гордая казачка,- все это Елена Черенко.

21. prosince 2016

Soapmakers of the World: Amy Warden's soap challenge (USA)

I love this soap because it’s the one my older daughter designed for the Sculpted Layers challenge.

Part of photos are from personal Amy Warden’s archive.

Part of photos belongs to Soap Challenge Club Members and will be used only for the purpose of this interview. If you would like me to delete your photo from this interview please let me know.

My dear friends, this is a special Soapmakers of the World post.
Last Christmas I gave you, Soap Challenge Club, my heart and the very next year I am still in. My personal one year long challenge to take part in every Soap Challenge Club is finished. I missed only one in February as I have no ideas of what to do as my brain‘s creative part was straggling with illness for 6 weeks. So as my personal year challenge is coming to it's end and Christmas is knocking on the door, I thought it is a good idea to have that very special woman as a special guest for Soapmakers of the World. 

Creative, kind, optimistic, always delicate, bright businesswoman and a person that makes our soapmaking life very interesting. She made us all gather together, study about soap and new techniques, challenge not only our soapmaking abilities but also our “photo taking” skills. Person that makes us believe we are normal in our madness about making soap. Please be welcomed to know Amy Warden from GreatCakes Soapworks a little bit closer!

My favorite photo of Kent and myself at Cedar Lake in Olathe, Kansas.

8. prosince 2016

Soapmakers of the World: Hélène Glémet's soap creation (Canada)

Today, my soapmaking friends, I will tell you some more about one very interesting lady from Canada. This interview was a hard one for me as I know this lady a little bit closer and it was hard to think that I know nothing to prepare it. But we made it. Talented, creative, successful in challenges with her memorable marvelous soaps, but also a genetic professor with perfect sense of humor who is going to leave city life and move “into the wild”… Be welcome to read about Hélène Glémet from ChezHelene.