26. ledna 2016

Хранение эфирных и базовых масел

Принадлежите ли вы, как и ваша покорная слуга, к категории людей, которые, начитавшись интересных рецептов приготовления домашней косметики или просто статей о чудотворных свойствах того или иного эфирного или базового масла, первым делом бегут к заветной полочке (коробочке, ящичку, шкафчику) и тут же благополучно «выпадают в осадок» обнаружив, что содержимое стекляшек с волшебными ингридиентами, которые должны были изменить всю нашу жизнь, ну или по крайней мере избавить от морщин или «апельсиновой корки», увы, безнадежно просрочены? Если да, то эта статья для вас. Если нет, то эта статься тоже для вас.

22. ledna 2016

Circling Taiwan Swirl - Soap Challenge Club (January 2016 entry)

Hello everyone,

This is my second Soap Challenge Club (first one December entry with Impression Mat technique is here and its continuation for how I made my 3D model for silicone mat is here). As I’m at my beginnings, this month technique is new for me as well as many others))) So, for Circling Taiwan Swirl it is my first time:

  •       Doing this technique 
  •       Working with dividers

As for soapmaking in common I decided to try:
  • mica-dividers technique (as Teresa Mahoney is doing)
  •   Anne L. Watson’s way to tell that batter is ready to pour which is hers temperature method (I found it in her book Smart Soapmaking)
  • Elaine Wright’s method of cleaning up soap (may be found on her YouTube channel)
  • Ghost swirl first done by my “soapmaking God” Mrs. Clara Lindberg
  • Big superfatting (10%) – I made my soaps normally 6-7%
  • Using clay or salt to “lock” the scent inside the soap. Preparing to do my next one salt bar I found information that some folks “lock” the scent by putting EOs in salt for the salt bars or in clay or similar things. I decided to try it.

1. ledna 2016

How to make your own 3D model for impression mat

I was inspired by my bath Moroccan tiles for this challenge. And as they are completely even, I had to do my own 3D model which has to be 1mm thin and flat. I took me very little time to make the pattern but it took me a few days to find suitable material to make the model itself.

As I had no experience with polymeric clay and have no time to teach how to work with it, I send my almost husband to hobby store and he turned back with 1 mm thin linoleum. I’m grateful for his excellent idea, as linoleum turned to be almost undamageable, easy to work with, cheap and is selling in many many shops (not as a pourable silicon).

There are  some pictures of how I made it.